Veronica Sect. Pocilla


Veronica persica Poir. in Lam.

Veronica triphyllos L



Veronica persica Poir. in Lam., Encycl. 8: 542 (1808)

The birdeye speedwell or common field (persian) speedwell (Veronica persica) Is a annual herbaceous plant, very common and abundant like a bad grass in the crops of most European lands. Native of SW Asia, it’s dated of 1805 in Karlsruhe botanical Garden, city on the southwest of Deutschland, in the Bundesland of Baden-Wurtemberg near french - german frontier. It has invaded all the continents becoming subcosmopolitan



Veronica persica Poir. in Lam.

Plantes en flor, Zugerberg, Zug, East Switzerland, abril de 2004



Veronica triphyllos L., Sp. Pl.: 14 (1753)



Veronica triphyllos L.

Inflorescència, flor i fulles, herbei vora camp, Prat, Cerdanya (L), Catalunya, març de 2008



Veronica triphyllos L.

Fulles, herbei vora camp, Prat, Cerdanya (L), Catalunya, març de 2008


Veronica triphyllos L.

Planta, herbei vora camp, Prat, Cerdanya (L), Catalunya, març de 2008

